Hello and welcome to the CS Departments PhD Open House. Please watch each of the videos below. If you have any further questions regarding any information, please contact Dr. Sumanta Pattanaik at sumant@cs.ucf.edu. After you view the videos, please fill out the following survey.
2023 UCF Year in Review
This year we not only celebrated our 60th anniversary but also the accomplishments and contributions of Knights to Central Florida and beyond — including more than 18,000 students who earned their degrees and are positively impacting the world
Welcome – Dr. Ali Gordon
Dr. Gordon welcomes you to the College of Engineering and Computer Science
CECS: It’s Big
Showcasing the student experience at the College of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Central Florida, Orlando
About CECS – Dr. Ali Gordon
Dr. Gordon introduces you to the College of Engineering and Computer Science
Graduate Admissions – Start Your Journey
Join us for a virtual tour of UCF’s main campus and learn about all the College of Graduate Studies has to offer.
CS PhD Programs – Dr. Wei Zhang
Dr. Zhang, CS Graduate Program Director, explains what you need to know about applying to and requirements for the CS program
Application Process – Mr. Leben Goldman
Mr. Goldman will explain the application process
Faculty Talk 1 – Dr. Shibu Yooseph
Shibu Yooseph, Ph.D., lead professor of UCF’s Genomics and Bioinformatics Cluster, presents “Unraveling Microbial Diversity and Function Using Large-Scale ‘-omics’ Approaches,” discussing his work in developing efficient algorithms to effectively analyze high-volume data generated from cultivation-independent approaches combined with DNA-sequencing technologies
Faculty Talk 2 – Dr. Wei Zhang
Wei Zhang, Ph.D., discusses his work in “Large-Scale Machine Learning Algorithms for Biomedical Data Science,” and opens the door to collaboration opportunities
Funding – Mr. Leben Goldman
Mr. Goldman explains all the possible funding available to you
50 Years of CECS
The college reaches its 50th year in 2018. Featuring Founding Dean Robert Kersten, 3rd Dean Marty Wanielista and 6th Dean Michael Georgiopoulos
Closing – Dr. Ali Gordon
Dr. Gordon provides his closing remarks and thanks for watching